Sunday, February 17, 2008


Welcome to 2008!

Continuing on the theme of Smartboards, here are some links to resources you might find useful in your class.

The Wicked! website has some maths games and interectives which lend themselves well to smartboard use. Really good for students to work on their basic facts:

Another basic facts site with some speed games to improve basic facts recall:

This looks like a good resource too - a blog dedicated to the use of smartboards. Spend a few minutes looking around here:

And courtesy of Interface, the NZ ICT in schools magazine, a growing list of NZ teachers who maintain blogs.

And on the same site, a group of pdf files which contain ICT related lesson plans:

Perhaps your students could try some artwork on the smartboard at:

That's enough for now! Remember to flick your projector off at lunchtimes, or if you're out of the classroom for a while.

1 comment:

Jim Hollis said...

Thanks for mentioning my blog. If there is anything you ever need, don't hesitate to ask.


Teachers Love SMART Boards

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