“I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.”– Albert Einstein
We will have a look at where we are with ICT and take into account the information horizon as far as we can scan it today………….
What are the characteristics of our learners today?
Marc Prensky estimates that by the time an individual reaches 21 years of age they will have spent:
5,000 hours reading
10,000 hours playing video games
10,000 hours on the cell phone
20,000 hours watching TV
In addition, he estimates the individual will have sent 200,000 emails
Characteristics of The Net Generation:
• They are able to multitask / multiprocess: Net-geners can do several things at once.
• They "have little tolerance for delays." They expect webpages to load quickly, responses to e-mail immediately, etc. (Skiba)
• They tend to be more comfortable constructing their knowledge than being instructed.
• They prefer to be interactive: "They want to be users--not just viewers or listeners." (Tapscott, 1998, p.3)
or Educating the Net Generation
Some stats: MySpace Youtube
World's Largest Airlines: Number of aircraft in 2006
American Airlines 707
Federal Express 635
United Parcel Service 577
Delta Air Lines 535
United Airlines 495
Warren's stuff - The Upper Limit Hypothesis
Where does that leave us at Wellesley?
• Inquiry Learning – We have reinvigorated our approach to inquiry Learning
• Closely integrated ICT – Our 2004 strategy and 2005 Information Policy – ICT equipment – 5 computers per class + laptop trolleys
• Our planning – pins thinking skills and ICT to all class planning
• Moving towards a customised collaborative intranet (Mindspring) which provides resources and links for all learners and the wider school community
• Digital Learning Objects
• Smartboards
The ICT Learning Landscape 2006+:
Web 2.0
David Farrar Russell Brown Rodney Hide Facts
- U.S. Adults Warming Up To Podcasts
RSS News feeds
Real time chatting
Distributed Learning / Intranet Moodle Explained
Digital Learning Objects
Smartboard technology
Personal Digital Devices
More stuff.
Flat Classrooms - David Warlick
Jamie McKenzie - The Art of Communication
Information Management at Wellesley
With the huge increases in the volume of information and students’ use of the internet, it has become crucial that students learn how to evaluate the authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency and coverage of the information they get from a wide range of sources
PC Schools Timeline
January 2006 - Student Management and Finance System Running
July 2006 - System being used by all Staff
August - December 2006 - Curriculum System introduced
- Behaviour System used
January 2007 - Curriculum System training
March 2007 - PAT and STAR + input from classroom
Attendance data input replaces attendance register?
July 2007 - System replaces progress card?
learning ict