This month, a mixture of videos and links to ICT related information. I’m very keen for us to keep pushing the boundaries with ICT in the classroom – if there is something you want to try,
- skyping an overseas school
- editing digital images and video and music
- online presentations
- blogging for children
- using knowledgenet
- e-reflections
- e-portfolios
let me know and I will give you a hand. In the meantime, let me know what you think of some of the links below:
Have you tried the new TKI website?
John Hattie
Professor John Hattie asks if teachers in their critical role as change agents, are too focused on the short term horizon - national standards, literacy and numeracy - when they should be focused on using literacy and numeracy to engage more students in the pursuit of learning.
David Warlick
is always worth reading – This post called Technology for 21st Century talsk about the importance of providing children with ready access to computers as opposed to dumping technology on them. Worth considering as we think about 1 to 1 laptop programmes in schools.
and part 2 ……. What ICT is going to help my children learn by helping them to become literate, resourceful, and habitual learners — engaged in a learning lifestyle?
Game Playing
Ewan McIntosh describes how in a “flexible curriculum” games can be used as a basis for creative writing and speaking, across curriculum areas, and for cross-curricular studies.
Handheld Computers
If you think inputting text into handheld devices is slow, take a look at this. Found through Derek Wenmoth’s blog:
50 words a minute! This has some fairly major implications about the way we view and think about handheld devices – at school?
Core Ed’s Top Ten Trends for 2010:
Go to the web page and scroll to the bottom of the page…….
Interesting Fact: Amazon has been selling hardback books for 15 years; it began selling its Kindle reader and the e-books to go with it less than three years ago.
Yet this past spring and early summer, Amazon sold 143 e-books for every 100 hardcover books, a gap that is widening quickly.
Food for Thought:
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Частное охранное предприятие(ЧОП)
специализируется на предоставлении услуг по охране объектов - промышленных предприятий, загородных домов, коттеджей, офисов, аптек, складов, жилых и нежилых помещений, банков, пунктов обмена валюты, игровых заведений, дискотек, ресторанов, отелей и т.д.) Охрана объектов представляет собой комплекс мероприятий,
направленных на обеспечение защиты персонала и имущества охраняемого предприятия.
Охранные агенства осуществляют оказание следующих видов услуг в сфере негосударственной (частной) охранной деятельности :
- Защита жизни и здоровья граждан.
- Охрана имущества (в том числе при его транспортировке), находящегося в собственности, во владении, в пользовании, хозяйственном ведении, оперативном управлении или доверительном управлении.
- Консультирование и подготовка рекомендаций клиентам по вопросам правомерной защиты от противоправных посягательств.
- Обеспечение порядка в местах проведения массовых мероприятий в пределах Российской Федерации.
На все перечисленные виды деятельности Охранные агенства имеют лицензии.
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